Murat Karakuş received his B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from Süleyman Demirel University, Türkiye, in 2009, his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Information Systems from the University of Michigan-Flint, USA, in 2013, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue School of Science, USA, in 2018.
He currently serves as an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Software Engineering at Ankara University Faculty of Engineering.
Dr. Karakuş has authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and serves as a reviewer for esteemed journals and conferences published by IEEE, ACM, and Elsevier. Additionally, he is an active member of the organizing committees for prominent international conferences such as MeditCom, BalkanCom, BCCA, and BlackSeaCom, where he has also delivered invited talks.
His research interests include next-generation network architectures (Software-Defined Networking - SDN), blockchain technology, natural language processing (NLP), network scalability, quality of service (QoS), and routing. Dr. Karakuş has led and managed several research and industry projects supported by TÜBİTAK and private sector collaborations.
Dr. Utku Kose received the B.S. degree in 2008 from computer education of Gazi University, Turkey as a faculty valedictorian. He received M.S. degree in 2010 from Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey in the field of computer and D.S. / Ph. D. degree in 2017 from Selcuk University, Turkey in the field of computer engineering.
Between 2009 and 2011, he has worked as a Research Assistant in Afyon Kocatepe University. Following, he has also worked as a Lecturer and Vocational School – Vice Director in Afyon Kocatepe University between 2011 and 2012, as a Lecturer and Research Center Director in Usak University between 2012 and 2017, and as an Assistant Professor in Suleyman Demirel University between 2017 and 2019. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey. Kose also gave lectures at other higher education institutions such as Gazi University and Istanbul Arel University. He also works as a Visiting Researcher at the University of North Dakota, USA and holds the Honorary Professor of Artificial Intelligence title at ITM (SLS) Baroda University, India.
He has more than 300 publications including articles, authored and edited books, proceedings, and reports. He is also in editorial boards of many scientific journals and serves as one of the editors of the Biomedical and Robotics Healthcare (CRC Press) and Computational Modeling Applications for Existential Risks (Elsevier) book series. His research interest includes artificial intelligence, machine ethics, artificial intelligence safety, biomedical applications, optimization, the chaos theory, distance education, e-learning, computer education, and computer science.